what the fuck happened last night?

if you know me well, you know that if i keep repeating "what the fuck is going on?!?" throughout the course of an evening, it's a good thing. well last evening was one such evening.

it started with dinner at club lago, which sounds like an exciting place, but is really just a little italian joint by david's place. danny and i were driving around, looking for parking so long, that dave left the restaurant to get parking permits from his building. al, jim, phuc, and roy were inside lago waiting patiently, and tim, dar, and porta arrived while we were parking.
dinner was great. a lot of catching up and storytelling. it was really nice to see everyone together after being away for so long. especially roy, who was already drunk from the day's events.

we saw r. kelly in his ferrari, outside of the restaurant and said our goodbyes around midnight, and david, dan, roy, and i headed to buddha for a little drinky poo. we were met by aymeei, amber, and adrian, the express algonquin old skool crew, as well as lonnie, xavius, courtney, and noel. cj had spun that night, but our late-asses missed his performance. we started off with some vrbs and eventually made our way into the vip section, where petron shots rained down, unmerciful. lucky for the guys, we weren't there thirty minutes sooner, because apparently 3 petron shots were taken prior to our arrival.
at some point, noel appeared intoxicated to the bouncers, so she was kicked out. and unfortunately, aymeei's attempt to crouch down to use the phone, was mistaken by the bouncers as the act of a drunkard, and she likewise, was ejected from the buddha.
it was like 1:30am, we were all on the street. aymeei was yelling at panhandlers, courtney was consoling noel, who was crying for getting everyone kicked out, adrian and xavius were having a deep conversation, lonnie was trying to calm down a belligerent aymeei, and the rest of us were observing, laughing, and taking pictures.

cabsomehow, roy, amber, dan, adrian, aymeei, and i all fit into a cab. roy was in front and aymeei laid across our laps. i had to hold the camera outside the window to take pictures. we went up the street to greek town for some gyros... as if i haven't had enough fucking greek food. j/k.
the highlights at mr. greek were aymeei falling down and seemly bashing her head on the wall, roy spilling cucumber sauce on himself, a crew of idiots hitting on the girls in line at the bathroom, and aymeei's general belligerence. kinda interesting, not having roy as the belligerent one.
in the end, the usual routine of driving aymeei home. danny was at the helm tonight. we hoped that she wouldn't puke, and she didn't. i felt bad that amber had to work at 9:00am, but we've all been there. i was gonna buy her a coffee and bring it in for her, except that i woke up at 1:30pm. shit.


dk said…
so why is this aiymee girl such a lush and drunk? almost every blog of you going out has a story about this girl's drunken antics. :op

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