
Showing posts from March, 2008

shamrock shuffle

here's all you need to know... “Dear Brian Flores, Congratulations from Bank of America for finishing the 2008 Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K! Your chip time was 1:08:19 and you placed 22,002nd out of 22,558 finishers.” jeezus h krice. i only beat 556 people. there was a lady pushing a stroller with 2 kids in it. she beat me. there was a blind man with a seeing eye dog and a peg leg. he beat me. but then the old woman with the walker... well, she was in the way until she fell... so i was able to jump over her before crossing the finish line. i guess i should be grateful that i didn't have a heart attack. and i did get a nice shirt and coupon for a free sandwich at potbelly's. i also got a banana and a whole wheat bagel. i'm still proud of myself... and i'm running another race in 2 weeks. see you there.