the italian thing

12:30pm, Budapest.
we've been up for 3 hours and ain't done shit. really, we're doing our best to just not sweat. i was just looking at some of the other pictures that people took on this trip, and i've been reflecting on some of the most memorable moments of the trip. here's one that will never get old for me...

we had just landed in italy, the airport in genova. we rode a budget airline, and since the planes are a little smaller we deboard and walk down the stairs and onto the tarmac rather than walking straight into the gate. i was in a giddy mood. there were 9 of us together, tim, dar, jim, phuc, al, dave, chris, dan, and myself. heading toward passport control, down this corridor, i mentioned to timmy... "hey tim, do you know how to say 'where's the bathroom' in italian?"
before tim could respond, i waved my hands in the air and in an exaggerated stereotypical italian accent said, "how-ah do-ah yah get-ah to dah bad-da-room?" i was a little loud, so some of the others shushed me a little bit. i got tim to laugh and he responded with the now trademarked "twirling mustache" move. after this moment, this became the go-to inside joke for the entire cinque terre trip.
different variations came about... tossing a pizza, twirling spaghetti... but the mustache was the crowd favorite. by the end of italy, everyone had their own characteristic motions. ask danny to do his for you... it's unreal.
many years from now, we'll still be doing this ridiculous italian caricature. and when the day comes that you get to see it, you'll know where it all started.


dk said…
...and doing those ridiculously funny italian caricature stereotypes is the reason why the gods of italy came down on us hard with the unfortunately taxi strike making us pay with 18 hours of hell trying to get home. karma came back to bite us in the ass!

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