72 hours smokeless...

today was the first really tough challenge...

drinking beers sans cigarettes. fucking hell.

i had to chew straws and toothpicks and ice, and the occasional piece of gum. i had to keep my distance from my once fellow smokers.

this was not very hard to do early in the evening, because the co-workers in attendance at stonewood ale house, were not packing. tiffany also smacked me in the forehead very violently every time i talked about cigarettes. ryan usually has cloves, but i thought it best not to ask if he had any that night. i was also able to distract myself for a little while, by flirting with ashley r., the server, but in the end, i don't think she was buying what i was selling. ah, whatevs.

tim is 29
then a quick drive back to the old watering hole itself... waterhouse, to celebrate tim's birthday. no. mustache lady was not present, although i think that people got some enjoyment from hearing that i would gladly oblige any requests from said mustache lady, should she magically appear. she did no such thing... so i called it at around 1:00am, so that i could get some sleep before work at eight.


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