knife fighter

after work today, me and a couple of coworkers had some drinks at the stonewood ale house. it's nice where i work, because the post-work bitching is not about management, unlike my previous place of employment. we had a couple beers and talked about video games, porn, and other sorts of bullshit.

i did get a new vocabulary word out of tonight's discussion... knife fighter. this was courtesy of gabe. apparently it's an slang popular on the east coast and is pretty descriptive when you really analyze it. but, since i don't want to offend, i will not give the definition here. and don't try looking in the urban dictionary, because it's not in there.

also, the quote of the night was from andy, who said, "anything that makes your penis bleed, is probably not a good thing." and don't worry my fellow perverts, he was referring to kidney stones.


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