drunk and disorderly

i finally wrote a nice long entry earlier today, but i decided that it needed to be revised before posting. oops.

i really wanted to drunk text tonight, but thank christ i held back and decided to enter this drunk blog instead.

all you need to know is that i was at waterhouse with christabel, emer, mark and tim. and while dancing to old skool hip hop and house, some girl came up to me and told me that i was hot. obviously drunk, she proceeded to tell me that i was one of the best djs she had ever heard. she said i was good at scratching. so when i told her that i wasn't a dj... she shrugged at me and said, "well just play along then." wtf?!? so when she asked me my dj name, i said... "dj poise". wtf?!? i know, i know... i don't know why that was the first word that came to my head. anyways, she asked me if i made that up, thereby reaffirming that she was truly wasted.

long story short, it went downhill from there. i kept pinching tim to have him save me. it didn't work very well. i guess i now know how the ladies feel at the club, when some mucky muck is trying to dance with them. she did that thing where she just kept staring at my lips and trying to get close. it gave me the creeps. too bad i'm not just an asshole, cause i should've really ended the charade a lot sooner.

before she left for the evening, she came back for a kiss goodbye, and i...

if you would like to know the end of this unfortunately true story, please leave me a comment. any comment. if i get 10 unique comments, i'll tell you the humorous ending to this debacle.


dk said…
You're a slu-u-u-u-t!
robyn michele said…
at least you didn't say DJ Quales
Dan said…
Was somebody already using Bad Boy Bill ... I thought you loved dropping the "Bad Boy Bill is in the HAUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!"

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