how did i make it through the day? i must've yawned 47 times today. i finally caught up with all of my art projects. i'm just hoping that after tonight i'll be caught up with my sleep.

today was a 9. i had some conversation with the two quiet chicks who sit in the back... well sort of. ah, who am i kidding... i think i said "hey" and they just smiled. i'm a sucker for the blue eyes, or maybe just a sucker in general.
oh, so there was this great moment in critique today. me and the kids play that circle game in class. the one where you make a circle with your index and thumb, and you try to get people to look at it so that you can slug them twice (then wipe). well, if you know the game, then you know that if a person breaks the circle with their finger, you're the one who gets slugged. in any case, if you don't know what i'm talking about, i'll explain some other time.
so, after going through my critique i walked back to my seat and tried to get melissa to look at my circle, which was by my crotch. she went to poke it and in doing so it appeared to the other kids that she was reaching for by twig and berries. to further exaggerate this, i pulled my pelvis back and inadvertently bumped jamie in the face with my ass.
later during a smoke break, i joked to the crew that i would have to write this in my journal. of course it would be embellished into something like this...
"class was great today, i was getting double teamed from both ends by two luscious ladies" or something like that. anyways, it brought some smiles to the gang and was truly a great laugh.

audrey is hot on dawson's creek. felicity is spinning some good tales. yes, i am a couch geek with one hand on the remote and the other keeping my head off my shoulder. eyes glued to projectile electrons. one thing is for certain... the vcr is one of my best friends.

just one more day, kids... then tgif.

till tomorrow. be safe.


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